Who wrote the first ever book published in the History?
But most of the the Jews recognized Moses as the writer of the Book of Genesis. They called the first 5 books of the Bible as Pentateuch or Torah. Well if you clearly look the story of Moses, he could not possibly exist in the time of Genesis since he was born in time of Exodus.
If not Moses, who were the first person to write Genesis Chapter 1?
Before we discuss that, we will discuss first the evolution of writing and how could the bible be possibly written.
1. Tools for writing
In the 21st century, all books and collections of writings are going to digital, as for now I am not writing in the piece of paper but here in this actual blogging flat form. But does it always have been? No, although Solomon said, "There's no new thing under the sun." (Ecc. 1:9 KJV)
Writing were as old as the human history. The way it was written changes from time to time.
A. Tokens or Symbols
Before alphabet were first written, tokens and symbol of things were already there. The sample you see above was the idea of things and records of the ancient. These were codes that most accepted of their time and probably the earliest copy of Genesis were full of tokens and symbols.This was before the time of Abraham and Moses.
B. Cuneiform
Cuneiform was one of the earliest systems of writing, invented by Sumerians in ancient Mesopotamia. (See wikipedia).
In Genesis 11, God judged the people because they want to reached the heaven by building the tower of Babel in the plains of Shinar. God confounded the language and there was confusion to all people. According to Dr. Kent Hovind, there were originally 42 families and languages created in that moment. Understand this all of the people at the time were at one language, they only have one father which was Adam and inherited his language to all families of the earth. Thus cuneiform writing was born, to understand each other in that time and the idea of things. The earliest copy of Genesis probably translated from tokens and symbols to cuneiform kind of writing. Abraham was from Ur of Chaldees, which was in Mesopotamia.
C. Pictograms
Now in this time the writing include pictures. The place that was popular of this kind of writing was the ancient Egypt, where Moses also got his first idea of things. Moses' descendants where on the land of Egypt and probably Jacob brought all the collection of tablets which the words of Genesis were written.
D. Phonograms
Here in this era, the construction of alphabet and their sound was complete in their time base on their understanding of things. This was the time when Moses collected the oldest collection of tablets that were brought by Jacob and translated the books of Genesis.
2. Eyewitnesses
Who wrote Genesis Chapter 1?
Before I answer that, every time the words of the Bible is written, there must be an eye witnesses. For all 40 writers of the bible, they were all an eye witnesses to a certain event that had happened. Some of the newest authors copied what the earlier authors have seen. So, we can see that there were a lot of verses in the Old Testament that were quoted in the New Testament this is called cross references.
3. Story Telling
We like stories, God knows it. That's why almost all of the books of the bible were written like the writer is telling us a story. Most of us right now, reject the bible as true because of how it was written. We know most of the stories were not true especially if your first educator was your Television. In spite of that, God still ordered the writers to write it as like telling a story.
There were no eye witnesses on that time because Adam was created on the 6th Day. So the clear answer was God himself. The God that first appeared in Genesis 1:1 which translated into Hebrew Word as "aleim" which means "Elohim". God's first name was Elohim.
How could he possibly wrote it? Remember when God met Moses in the mountain of Sinai he wrote the words of the 10 commandments in the rock. With men it's impossible with God nothing shall be impossible. (Luke 1:37)
How could he preserved it?
He probably gave it to Adam. Then through Adam passed it to all generations until it arrived to Moses.
God preserved and inspired his word forever. "The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever."(Psalm 12: 6-7 KJV)
Logical thinking will say ,"that can't be". Archaeologist says, "we must find an evidence." Scientists say," we must experiment it." But you don't need that to prove if God is true or not. What God needs to us is faith to him and to his word.
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