How long will this Quarantine last in the Philippines

According to Merriam
the period of time during which a person or animal that has a disease or that might have a disease is kept away from others to prevent the disease from spreading
: the situation of being kept away from others to prevent a disease from spreading
But in full definition:
a period of 40 days
So that is I think that's the minimum period of quarantine. 
The word quarantine was first known on 1800.
From the word
Qua - Quarter 4 equal parts or 4
rant - to obselete or to separate
tine - to destroy 
Quarantine is 4 equal period of time like 40 days / 4 = 10 days per quarter to separate and destroy the virus.


But for our situation right now we experience this newly manmade discovered virus which is COVID 19. And we were up to the maximum period of quarantine. Sometimes fear drives us insane and other many more factors that affects and threatens our existence. 

But I will tell you a story. Of the same situation we are in. Where we can get a lesson on how we can approach the future.
This is the story way back in time of around 2nd Century B. C. It was recorded in the oldest collection of books which is called the bible. It was the time of deliverance from the bondage of the Egyptians. 
Moses Leads the Israelites out of Egypt and parts the Red Sea ...
But life was not that easy for them, Pharaoh, King of Egypt would not allow them to go out. So God, on the last plague ordered the children of Israel to be quarantine for 1 night and put a blood on their door posts, so if the angel of death (like this virus) passes the door the first born of that family will not be dead. All of the first born of Egypt died on that night including Pharaoh's first born. Pharaoh granted them to go out but on the moment they were gone they chased them with his best soldiers and again the Lord judged Pharaoh and they were drowned in the Red Sea. The Children of Israel saw again the miracle of God. They rejoice, they praise God but after this time the children of Israel were again quarantine for 40yrs in the wilderness. 
There was once passage of scripture that they could have pass Egypt to the promise land for just days of journey but it took 40yrs of them to learn obedience to God.

This century also we experience almost 4 months in Cebu City (120 days) of having Enhance Community Quarantine and other areas of the Philippines under other classification of Quarantine, this virus has held us in our home spending our time in our families but sometimes we become stress of too much isolation. Not just isolation, but also debt adds up to our worries. Due date may delay but they are there increasing every time the time goes by and we can't do about it to stop. The people also in position can't do about it. Our National Fund, can provide food for the mean time but sometimes it can't reach to the people who need it the most. Our system is already corrupted. And we can't do about it. The only way to keep this virus away from our home is to understand the virus, how it can transfer from one person to the other and also don't just rely on news sometimes they exaggerate certain events and drives us insane. Let not fear dominates you in this time but understand the situation. Because wisdom is better than fear and obedience to wisdom and to God will lead us to days of quarantine instead of years.
COVID-19: People and organizations under pressure

How about those people in position who are not telling the truth with regards to the report of the cases of COVID 19?
We can't control this event. But one thing is sure this time will come to pass. And I think we are nearer to that time. But for the mean time just do whatever you can do for yourself and to your family. Keep them active and living their life. Because being alive is what you need right now. We complain and fear and angry for the reports of these fake and random cases of COVID 19 and the accuracy of this testing kits. But this will come to an end, because there's a God who sees everyone of us. And he will judge those people who are accountable to make this situation harder and punishing us of the isolation like imprisonment "Just make sure your sin will find you out." If you don't believe that there's God out there who render every man his work. Then you will find out.

What is happening right now is the sum of all small events happen to our family, our brgy, our city, our province and our nation. It reminds me about the story of  the farmer and the eggs,
"One farmer saw an eggs and he told his friends, soon his friends told his other friends, and their friends told their friends too. After few hours, the farmer heard it again this time in a bigger scale. He saw a cooked chicken in the field and ate it." No no no. That's not what I told my friends.

The book of Exodus reminds us that 40yrs of Quarantine is long period of time but there's a better way of Quarantine of just days. And it only take you Wisdom and obedience to God.

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