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Who wrote the first ever book published in the History?

The book of Genesis especially Chapter 1 is the most discuss topic to bible scholars and other professors of science.  There are many dispute and theories about who wrote it, the real meaning behind those words and the interpretation of the series of creation events. But most of the the Jews recognized Moses as the writer of the Book of Genesis. They called the first 5 books of the Bible as Pentateuch or Torah. Well if you clearly look the story of Moses, he could not possibly exist in the time of Genesis since he was born in time of Exodus. If not Moses, who were the first person to write Genesis Chapter 1? Before we discuss that, we will discuss first the evolution of writing and how could the bible be possibly written. LISTEN TO PODCAST 1. Tools for writing In the 21st century, all books and collections of writings are going to digital, as for now I am not writing in the piece of paper but here in this actual blogging flat form. But does it always have been? No, although Solom...

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